Hello, my name is Golikov Maxim Efimovich
I am the founder and Head of the Psychogenic Correction Cabinet named after Golikov Sergey Nikolaevich – the Member of the Academy of Science of the USSR. I named it in honor of my grandfather, who made the main contribution to the development of the Soviet toxicology and is known as the founding father of chemical weapons of the USSR.
I also took the same medical path: in 1983 I graduated from the Third Medical Institute with a degree in “General Medicine”, and from the Internship Training – in psychiatry. I have decades of experience in the implementation of hypnotic techniques for psychotherapy for alcohol and drug dependence according to the Dovzhenko method.
How to get an appointment?You can make an appointment by writing me a message through the form in the Contacts section or by calling. The payment process can be found in the "Payment" section.
It is very difficult to put my numerous exploring and long-term work in a couple of sentences… But the result is obvious. It’s the method of “Subwaking Psychocorrection” (SPC) and the derived method of Patriotic Therapy. The latter is based on the fact that a modern human was disconnected with the natural processes of the environment of his Motherland's structures. He’s disconnected with the Mother Earth that begot him, with air, with plants, food with all the parts of the ecosystem and sociosphere that make him as well. As a result, he can’t have a constant flush from the surroundings.
The SPC provides correction of the psychosomatic condition in order to normalize somatic and mental processes, the hypertension syndrome, hypotension and other vital signs, refusing drug usage.
Firstly, I am interested in ensuring the best results, but not in putting the lug on my patients during the years of the treatment. My method is effective and allows to achieve desirable results in a short time. I have a legal business of the other orientation, which brings me a regular income. I perceive the treatment by my own technique, as the artist who creates a picture of somatic and mental health of his patients. That’s why the recovery of each patient is on the first place for me.
• Secondly, my method has no contraindications, because it’s based on subwaking – the usual cycle of human functioning. He passes through it every morning and night after night.
Thirdly, the experience of thousand-year history of mankind stands for my method. That’s why it’s so effective for those who wants to see the world not through the prisms and dogmas of fashion, tendencies and academic authorities of our passing century. These are people who understand that the method I suggest is one of the gifts of the eternal source that expend space around us. It lets to teach effective work with the external contour, which gives an opportunity to master external circumstances (that seem to be uncontrolled) and use them to get things done.
As a result, according to your wish, I give you an opportunity not only to cure your diseases, but also to be able to refuse taking pills for the rest of your life. It will enable you to save more money and reallocate your resources! You’ll be able to get rid of all the visceral disease and fears for your future, and the future of your external environment will go away with them (as well as the rejection of reality). Instead of them, you will feel the inner harmony that will completely change your life, raise the quality of your life to the higher level, open up new vistas.
Treatment in groups is oriented to hypertension and hypotonia. The individual treatment helps to get rid of various somatic and mental diseases from cold to oncological diseases. By the way, sometimes common cold is much more difficult to cure than oncological diseases! It includes the neurotic register: from depressions to phobias and psychogeny, anxiety disorders and attacks.
Mostly my patients are people who suffer from hypertension and hypotonia. Many of them understand how poisonous drug administration is for them, and they wish to refuse them, but they don’t know how to do it.
At the age of 16 I graduated from the School №55 with a series of subjects taught in English, and entered to the School of Medicine №3;
I provide treatment individually and in groups. The treatment is always preceded by the following stages:
I ask my patients to perceive me as a “driving instructor”, and our sessions – as “driving lessons”. It means that I can show and tell you how to “drive”, but you will do it yourself. Such images describe the sessions perfectly.
Using my instructions properly, you, my dear patients, will get access to the facilities of your body restoration and be able to drive your car on the road of your life, avoiding road traffic accidents.